The Fishing Quest Chain
A guide through the New World Fishing Quest Chain
Quests in the Fishing Chain (Video Version)
Here is a video version of this quest guide.
New World Fishing Quest Chain Guide
This is a list of the 15 quests in the New World Fishing Quest Chain. You will be rewarded with various fishing gear and poles along the way. I was able to complete this quest chain at character level 26 but it was a big challenge getting from point to point. You won't be able to use the best drops from this chain until 60, so please take these two factors into consideration before starting on it. When you complete a quest it will unlock the next in the chain. You can use these toggles below to hide the quest rewards and tips from Dynomega if you don't want any help or spoilers.
- #1 Fishing With Shields Pickup: Michael Shields Turn-in: Michael Shields
Michael Shields location is outside of Windsward Town. You will need to pick bushes to collect Woodlouse Baits. If you have any in storage bring them with you to save some time. The drop rate on Woodlouse Baits is really low. Don't worry about the bulrush or briar, only the bushes have Woodlouse.
280 experience43.75 coin250 standing - #2 Fishing Basics Pickup: Michael Shields Turn-in: Dena Ruby
You will need to catch a few fish and turn them into Dena Ruby located in Evervall. You can catch any type of fish, in any region, to complete this quest.
520 experience50 coin175 standingBattered Fisherman's Boots
Cosmetic gear, no perks. - #3 Baited Pickup: Dena Ruby Turn-in: Dallas Clemenson
You will need to catch and salvage a Clam and Snail then meet with Dallas Clemenson located along the shoreline near the middle of the map in First Light. These both can be caught in First Light. Clams are found in saltwater and Aquatic Snails are in freshwater. First Light has a couple one star hotspots where you can catch them quickly. The Fish Locations List can also be used to identify other locations to catch Clams and Snails.
870 experience78.75 coin175 standing20 AzothBattered Fisherman's Gloves
Cosmetic gear, no perks. - #4 Hotspot Hunt Pickup: Dallas Clemenson Turn-in: Quinton Warwick
Dallas wants you to catch a few fish from fishing hotspots and then travel to Quinton Warwick located on the small islands on the west side of Monarch's Bluff. Make sure you are fishing in the hotspot pool and not just the hotspot area. Land your bobber in the pool with the fish jumping out of the water.
1,200 experience87.50 coin250 standing20 AzothBattered Fisherman's Trousers
Cosmetic gear, no perks. - #5 Practice Makes Perfect Pickup: Quinton Warwick Turn-in: Edith Perchal
Quinton Warwick wants you to catch 15 fish from anywhere then travel to Edith Perchal located near the water at the north end of Cutlass Keys.
1,540 experience96.25 coin250 standing20 AzothBattered Fisherman's Hat
Cosmetic gear, no perks. - #6 The Giant Ones Pickup: Edith Perchal Turn-in: Park Jennet
Edith wants you to catch 8x 20+ pound fish then travel to Park Jennet located at one of the lakes to the north east in Brightwood. Use Size Boosting Fishing Baits to help you catch larger fish.
1,830 experience105 coin250 standing20 AzothBattered Fisherman's Smock
Cosmetic gear, no perks. - #7 Fish Reagents Pickup: Park Jennet Turn-in: Sheetal Agarwal
Park wants you to catch and salvage a Quest Squid and Quest Catfish then go visit Sheetal Agarwal located in Weaver's Fen. Both of these quest fish can be caught right at the lake where you pickup the quest in Brightwood.
2,120 experience113.75 coin250 standing20 AzothFishing Reward Box 1Psst ... Click the chest to find out what is inside!
T3 Gear! You will get either Hardy Fisherman's Gloves or Hardy Fisherman's Boots. Both of which have a boost to cast distance and chance to catch bigger fish. - #8 Reel Life Pickup: Sheetal Agarwal Turn-in: Finola O'Connor
Sheetal wants you to catch three Boots (junk salvage) in Weaver's Fen then find Finola O'Connor located in Restless Shore. You can catch boots right next to Sheetal. Do not use any kind of baits or rarity boosting gear to catch them quickly.
2,380 experience122.50 coin250 standing20 AzothFishing Reward Box 2Psst ... Click the chest to find out what is inside!
T3 Gear! You will get either Hardy Fisherman's Trousers or Hardy Fisherman's Hat. Both of which have medium boosts to catch both bigger and better fish. - #9 Weapons of the Sea Pickup: Finola O'Connor Turn-in: Tariku Abebe
Finola wants you to catch more junk then report to Tariku Abebe located in Mourningdale. Again, do not use any kind of baits or rarity boosting gear to catch junk quickly.
2,380 experience122.50 coin250 standing20 AzothHardy Fisherman's Smock
Medium boost to catching better fish. +2% increased cast distance. - #10 Treasure of the Deep Pickup: Tariku Abebe Turn-in: Eberhart Klaus
Tariku wants you to reel-in a treasure chest and bring it to Eberhart Klaus located in the Great Cleave. Treasure chests can be obtained anywhere, but the easiest place to get a treasure chest is out of a Secret Hotspot using Rarity Boosting Fishing Baits.
2,640 experience131.25 coin250 standing20 Azoth - #11 Soulwarden Rations Pickup: Eberhart Klaus Turn-in: Rory Davies
Eberhart wants you to catch five 30+ pound fish and bring them to Rory Davies in Edengrove (the tooltip might say Konrad Bernard located in Shattered Mountains, but this is wrong). Use Size Boosting fishing baits and gear and aim for the deep waters! Glass lake won't cut it for this one. I suggest heading down south to Cutlass Keys for Swordfish.
2,890 experience140 coin250 standing20 AzothSleek Fisherman's Hat
Large boost to catching bigger fish. Medium boost to catching rare fish. - #12 Azoth-Tinged Fish Pickup: Rory Davies Turn-in: Konrad Bernard
Rory wants you to catch an Azoth-Tinged fish in Edengrove and bring it back to Konrad Bernard in Shattered Mountains. You can catch this in the water right next to Rory.
2,970 experience148.75 coin250 standing30 AzothFishing Reward Box 3Psst ... Click the chest to find out what is inside!
T4 Gear! You will get a random piece of Sleek Fisherman's gear (don't worry you won't get the hat again). - #13 Corruption-Tinged Fish Pickup: Konrad Bernard Turn-in: Laquan Chang
Konrad Bernard in Shattered Mountain wants you to catch a Corruption-Tinged Fish, then bring it to Laquan Chang in the Ebonscale Reach Settlement. You can catch this fish right next to Konrad. If you are low level you can hide under the dock to fish.
3,750 experience157.50 coin250 standing30 AzothFishing Reward Box 4Psst ... Click the chest to find out what is inside!
T5 Gear! You will get either Fierce Fisherman's Gloves or Fierce Fisherman's Boots. - #14 Ecological Report Pickup: Laquan Chang Turn-in: Gaspar Machera
Laquan Chang wants you to prove your skills by collecting a large quantity of fish filets of the various tiers. Use the Fish Locations List to identify fish that have the different filets you need. Then bring your fish to Grand master Gaspar Machera in Reekwater. He can be found right out side of the settlement to the south east.
3,000 experience112.50 coin250 standing15 AzothFishing Reward Box 5Psst ... Click the chest to find out what is inside!
T5 Gear! You will get 3 pieces of Fierce Fisherman's gear. The Hat, Smock and Trousers. - #15 - Final Quest To be a Grand Master Pickup: Gaspar Machera Turn-in: Gaspar Machera
Grand Master Gaspar's final test for you is to reach Level 100 in Fishing. You got this champ! Use my Leveling Fishing Skill guide if you want to know the quickest way to level your fishing.
During closed beta and open beta this quest did not complete when I hit level 100 Fishing. If this happens to you, don't worry ... Keep fishing until you hit 101 and it will then complete. This is most likely the result of a bad conditional statement in the code using a > instead of a >= expression to validate the current fishing level requirement.3,750 experience157.50 coin175 standing30 AzothLegendary Pole Reward BoxPsst ... Click the chest to find out what is inside!
You will get one of the Legendary Fishing Poles of course! Enjoy and don't salvage it!!!
Legendary Pole Concerns ...
During open beta you did not get to choose the legendary pole, it was random. There were also 4 different ones, with different stats and cosmetics. We really need to see a way to obtain the other poles, or the stats on them needs to be normalized. You don't want people feeling like they have to get one specific one because it is better then the rest. Or, maybe give us another way to obtain these others poles. Perhaps after completing the quest chain the others can then be obtained from fishing, or dropped from named enemies.
Also please make sure you don't salvage your legendary fishing pole. I was able to in open beta, and it only gave me 12 repair parts.